Package guru.zoroark.tegral.di.dsl

Tegral DI's DSL utilities. Provides a simple way of creating injection environments and injectable modules.


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interface ContextBuilderDsl

Context for Tegral DI builders, such as module builders (tegralDiModule) or environment builders (tegralDi).

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Builder DSL for creating an environment.This part of the DSL is specifically responsible for creating an EnvironmentContext.

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class ModuleBuilderDsl(name: String) : ContextBuilderDsl, Buildable<InjectableModule>

DSL builder class for InjectableModules. It does not add functionality other than the building logic. All DSL functionalities are provided as extension functions of ContextBuilderDsl.


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fun ContextBuilderDsl.put(module: InjectableModule)

Add a module to the current definition. This adds all the declarations within the module to this context.

inline fun <T : Any> ContextBuilderDsl.put(noinline supplier: ScopedSupplier<T>): ScopedSupplierDeclaration<T>

Add a definition of type T with the given supplier.

inline fun <T : Any> ContextBuilderDsl.put(supplier: KFunction<T>): ScopedSupplierDeclaration<T>

Add a definition of type T with the given constructor.

inline fun <T : Any> ContextBuilderDsl.put(qualifier: Qualifier, noinline supplier: ScopedSupplier<T>): ScopedSupplierDeclaration<T>
fun <T : Any> ContextBuilderDsl.put(    kclass: KClass<T>,     qualifier: Qualifier = EmptyQualifier,     supplier: ScopedSupplier<T>): ScopedSupplierDeclaration<T>

Add a definition of type T with the given qualifier and supplier.

inline fun <T : Any> ContextBuilderDsl.put(qualifier: Qualifier, supplier: KFunction<T>): ScopedSupplierDeclaration<T>

Add a definition of type T with the given qualifier and constructor.

fun <T : Any> ContextBuilderDsl.put(kclass: KClass<T>, supplier: KFunction<T>): ScopedSupplierDeclaration<T>

Add a definition of type T with the given class and constructor.

fun <T : Any> ContextBuilderDsl.put(    kclass: KClass<T>,     qualifier: Qualifier,     supplier: KFunction<T>): ScopedSupplierDeclaration<T>

Add a definition of type T with the given class, qualifier and constructor.

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fun tegralDi(builder: ExtensibleContextBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): MixedImmutableEnvironment
fun <E : InjectionEnvironment> tegralDi(environmentKind: InjectionEnvironmentKind<E>, builder: ContextBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): E
fun <E : ExtensibleInjectionEnvironment> tegralDi(    environmentKind: ExtensibleInjectionEnvironmentKind<E>,     metaEnvironmentKind: InjectionEnvironmentKind<*> = EagerImmutableMetaEnvironment,     builder: ExtensibleContextBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): E

Entry point for the Tegral DI DSL, used to build an injection environment.

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fun tegralDiModule(name: String = "<unnamed module>", builder: ContextBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): InjectableModule

Creates a module using the Tegral DI DSL with an optional name. You can then use the put function to add this module to environment builders like the block in tegralDi.