
class MixedImmutableEnvironment(context: ExtensibleEnvironmentContext, metaEnvironmentKind: InjectionEnvironmentKind<*> = EagerImmutableMetaEnvironment) : DefaultExtensibleInjectionEnvironment

An injection environment implementation with a mixed evaluation strategy.

Mixed evaluation strategy here means that:

  • Components are created eagerly, i.e. when this environment is created

  • Injections are performed lazily within the same component, e.g. a component A that wants to have B injected will only actually get B when A performs a get on B.

Mixed evaluation allows for lock-free thread safety for component creation and occasional locking thread safety on injections.

Due to injections being made lazily, this environment supports cyclic dependencies (class A requires B, class B requires A) and self-injections (class C requires itself).


  • Eager object creation. Objects are created upon construction of this environment.

  • Lazy object injection. Objects are injected upon first use, and are only computed once.

  • Idempotent/Immutable. Objects cannot be replaced, injection methods will always return the same thing.

Compatible with installable extensions.


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fun MixedImmutableEnvironment(context: ExtensibleEnvironmentContext, metaEnvironmentKind: InjectionEnvironmentKind<*> = EagerImmutableMetaEnvironment)


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open override fun <T : Any> createInjector(identifier: Identifier<T>, onInjection: (T) -> Unit): Injector<T>

Creates an Injector that can be used as a property delegator, bound against the given identifier.

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open fun <T : Any> get(identifier: Identifier<T>): T

Gets the component identified by the given identifier. No guarantees are given on this function - it may not be idempotent, depending on the actual implementation.

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open override fun getAllIdentifiers(): Sequence<Identifier<*>>

Returns a sequence of all the known identifiers present in this environment.

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open override fun <T : Any> getOrNull(identifier: Identifier<T>): T?

Gets the component identified by the given identifier, or null if no such component exists. No guarantees are given on this function - it may not be idempotent, depending on the actual implementation.

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open override fun <T : Any> getResolverOrNull(identifier: Identifier<T>): IdentifierResolver<T>?

Returns the resolver associated with the given identifier.


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open override val metaEnvironment: InjectionEnvironment

The meta environment for this environment.