Package guru.zoroark.tegral.web.appdsl


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typealias ContextInstallationHook = ExtensibleContextBuilderDsl.() -> Unit
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class TegralApplication(val environment: ExtensibleInjectionEnvironment)

This object represents a built and possibly running Tegral application.

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Builder for a Tegral application. This class allows you to install features, tweak the application's configuration, add modules, classes and components of your own, etc. This is the class that is used as a receiver within the tegral block.

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interface TegralApplicationDsl : ExtensibleContextBuilderDsl

DSL interface for configurating Tegral applications.

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Builder for a TegralCustomFeature specifically tailored to contain the logic from the tegral block.

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class TegralCustomFeature(    val id: String,     val name: String,     val description: String,     installationCallback: ContextInstallationHook) : Feature

This class allows for the dynamic creation of ad-hoc features.


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fun TegralApplicationDsl.applyDefaults()

Applies sane defaults to the given application builder. Specifically, this function:

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fun TegralApplicationDsl.install(feature: Feature)

Install the feature onto this application.

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fun tegral(    enableLoggingOverrides: Boolean = true,     enableDefaults: Boolean = true,     block: TegralApplicationDsl.() -> Unit): TegralApplication

Starting block for creating, configuring and launching a Tegral application. This function:

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inline fun <T : RootConfig> TegralApplicationDsl.useConfiguration(noinline configuration: ConfigLoaderBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Equivalent to TegralApplicationDsl.useConfiguration, but uses a reified type instead.


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val TegralApplication.features: Sequence<Feature>

Returns all the features that were installed in this application.

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Returns all the features that additionally implement LifecycleHookedFeature that were installed in this application.