
class SecuritySchemeBuilder : SecuritySchemeDsl, Builder<SecurityScheme>

Builder for the security scheme DSL.


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fun SecuritySchemeBuilder()


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open override fun build(): SecurityScheme

Build the object.


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open override var bearerFormat: String? = null

A hint to the client to identify how the bearer token is formatted. Bearer tokens are usually generated by an authorization server, so this information is primarily for documentation purposes.

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open override var description: String? = null

A description for security scheme. CommonMark syntax may be used for rich text representation.

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open override var flows: OAuthFlows? = null

An object containing configuration information for the flow types supported.

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open override var inLocation: SecurityScheme.In? = null

The location of the API key.

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open override var name: String? = null

The name of the header, query or cookie parameter to be used.

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open override var openIdConnectUrl: String? = null

OpenID Connect URL to discover OAuth2 configuration values. This must be in the form of a URL. The OpenID Connect standard requires the use of TLS.

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open override var scheme: String? = null

The name of the HTTP Authorization scheme to bbe used in the Authorization header as defined in RFC 7235. The values used should be registered in the IANA Authentication Scheme registry.

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open override var type: SecurityScheme.Type? = null

The type of the security scheme.