
class NotAvailableInTestEnvironmentException(message: String) : TegralDiException

Error thrown when a feature that does not exist in controlled test environments (e.g. environments internally used by tegralDiCheck checks) is accessed. If you did not initiate the missing feature yourself:

  • Ensure that you are using only safe injections (see the safeInjection check)

  • Otherwise, consider reporting it, as it may be a bug from Tegral DI's checks.


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fun NotAvailableInTestEnvironmentException(message: String)


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fun addSuppressed(p0: Throwable)
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open fun fillInStackTrace(): Throwable
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open fun getLocalizedMessage(): String
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open fun getStackTrace(): Array<StackTraceElement>
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fun getSuppressed(): Array<Throwable>
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open fun initCause(p0: Throwable): Throwable
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open fun printStackTrace()
open fun printStackTrace(p0: PrintStream)
open fun printStackTrace(p0: PrintWriter)
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open fun setStackTrace(p0: Array<StackTraceElement>)


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open val cause: Throwable?
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open val message: String?