
Fake environment that tracks dependencies on the instantiation of components.

Environment of this kind should rarely be created manually: they are used behind the scenes in rules that check for the coherence of the contents of an environment (completeness check, cyclic dependency check...)

This environment performs dependency analysis on:

  • Components

  • Injection resolution


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fun DependencyTrackingInjectionEnvironment(context: EnvironmentContext)


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open override fun <T : Any> createInjector(identifier: Identifier<T>, onInjection: (T) -> Unit): Injector<T>
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open fun <T : Any> get(identifier: Identifier<T>): T
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open override fun getAllIdentifiers(): Sequence<Identifier<*>>
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open override fun <T : Any> getOrNull(identifier: Identifier<T>): T?


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val dependencies: Map<Identifier<*>, IdentifierDependencies>

The dependencies represented as a map from an identifier to the identifiers this identifier depends on.