Package guru.zoroark.tegral.logging


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data class LoggerConfig(val level: LogLevel)

Configuration for an individual logger.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class LoggerName(val name: String)

Annotation that can be used to annotate a Tegral DI class and use a custom logger.

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data class LoggingConfig(val loggers: Map<String, LoggerConfig> = mapOf(), val level: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info)

The [tegral.logging] configuration object.

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object LoggingFeature : ConfigurableFeature, LifecycleHookedFeature

A feature that adds logging support to the application via the by scope() syntax.

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enum LogLevel : Enum<LogLevel>

The log levels.


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fun ContextBuilderDsl.putLoggerFactory()

Adds Tegral Logging's Logger factory to this context builder. You do not need to call this if you are using the Tegral Logging feature. This is mostly useful for manually adding logging in test environments that do not support features (i.e. every Tegral test except integration tests).


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val KClass<*>.loggerName: String

Computes the logger name for the given class, using (in orrder) a LoggerName annotation or the qualified name of the class or<anon>.