
class TegralDiCheckDsl

DSL receiver class for the Tegral DI check DSL.


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fun TegralDiCheckDsl()


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val checks: MutableList<TegralDiCheck>

Checks that should be ran.

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val modules: MutableList<InjectableModule>

Modules that should be taken into account during the checks


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fun TegralDiCheckDsl.complete()

Checks that the modules are complete and that all dependencies and injections can be properly resolved.

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fun TegralDiCheckDsl.modules(vararg modules: InjectableModule)

Adds the given modules to this Tegral DI check instance.

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fun TegralDiCheckDsl.noCycle()

Checks that no cyclic dependencies are present within the modules.

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inline fun TegralDiCheckDsl.noUnused(block: NoUnusedCheckDsl.() -> Unit = {})

Creates a NoUnusedCheck.

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fun TegralDiCheckDsl.safeInjection()

Check that verifies no injection is actually performed during the instantiation of components.